St Seraphim’s Simple Rule of Prayer
Many of the simple people told St. Seraphim that on account of their illiteracy or lack of time, they could not read or keep the appointed (long) rules of prayer. To such people the Saint gave a simplified Rule of Prayer.
That it might help you to keep a good Rule of Prayer in our overly busy times; we post it here.
On rising:
Recite these prayers; Our Father (3 x to honor the Trinity) and Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos (3x) ; The Creed
Go about your business. Whenever you may, recite the Jesus Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have Mercy on me, a sinner.
If the work does not permit much time, you may recite; Lord, have mercy!
Before lunch let the Christian recite the morning prayers 3 more times.
Recite these prayers Our Father (3 x to honor the Trinity) and Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos (3x) ; The Creed
After Lunch while going about your business, recite:
Most holy Mother of God, save me a sinner. Continue this until dinner.
If there is time alone, may recite: Lord Jesus Christ, through the Mother of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
At bedtime repeat the morning rule;
Recite these prayers; Our Father (3 x to honor the Trinity) and Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos (3x) ; The Creed
--By keeping this simple rule, it is possible to reach a measure of Christian perfection and divine love – St Seraphim of Sarov. (1754-1833)